About Us

Our Vision

The Lunenburg Community Garden (LCG) is a community project that seeks to create an inclusive and sustainable green space in the heart of Lunenburg, where all members of our community are welcome to gather, share and celebrate the simple act of growing and eating healthy food.

Our Mission

 The Lunenburg Community Garden (LCG) is a volunteer-run organization of individuals who wish to establish a common place for learning, sharing and growing food. Our aim is to make the garden an accessible and empowering place for all members of our community regardless of their age, ability, or experience. We aspire to provide the education and confidence necessary to grow and preserve food through healthy and sustainable practices. The Town of Lunenburg has a long history of gardening and it is our goal to reinforce this proud tradition while also providing a space where neighbours can gather, share knowledge and connect with their community.

Our Values

Health and Wellness

Sustainable practices

Cooperation and inclusion

Education and empowerment

History and Culture

